Global Bioethics Initiative (GBI) is dedicated to fostering public awareness and understanding of bioethical issues, and to exploring solutions to bioethical challenges.
Through its events and activities, which include annual summer schools on global bioethics, GBI seeks to keep the international community, policy decision-makers, the media, and the general public aware of important bioethical issues which is essential for making informed decisions and fostering public debate. Using various platforms, we at GBI are able to promote our motto “Doing bioethics in real life!”.
Successful Bioethics Summer School – Manhattan, NYC, July 11 – 22, 2016
Cocktail Reception to Welcome Participants, July 12 |
July 22, 2016 – Participants Mini-Conference Presentations |
Dr. Stjepan Oreskovic lecturing on July 13, 2016 |
Field Trip to the United Nations, July 16, 2016 |
The guided tour to the United Nations Headquarters offered us an exciting opportunity to get a behind-the-scenes view of the UN at work. We visited the newly renovated General Assembly Hall, the Security Council Chamber, the Trusteeship Council Chamber, and the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) Chamber in the renovated Conference Building. We also learned about how the United Nations addresses issues such as human rights, disarmament, peace and security, and the Sustainable Development Goals, closely related to GBI’s mission. I found the field trip to be fantastic, and the summer program overall was extremely interesting and informative. Aidan Appleby, B.A. Psychology Candidate, University of Miami Coral Gables, USA, click here for More Participants’ Testimonials, Summer, 2016
Welcome to our Summer Program in Collaboration with the University of Zagreb/School of Medicine to the Pearl of the Adriatic Sea
Dubrovnik, Croatia – August 5-14, 2016
Click here for more details! |
GBI Ongoing Internship Program
Global Bioethics Initiative accepts applications for unpaid internships for students interested in bioethics. These internships provide students with the opportunity to learn about pertinent issues in global health and bioethics and gain skills in research, project management, and organizing events. Candidates interested in interning with GBI should contact the Executive Director, Dr. Ana Lita at alita@globalbioethics.org. Read more here.
Summer School 2016 More
Interested in getting involved in global bioethics? Join Global Bioethics Initiative’s summer programs organized annually in Manhattan, NYC and Dubrovnik, Croatia, to discuss controversial issues such as embryonic stem cell research, human cloning, gene therapy, human genetic engineering, organ trafficking, euthanasia, and human enhancement, among others.
Our notable faculty and eager participants are exceptional, with complex multicultural and educational background and experience. Click here for more details.
Click here for more testimonials
Pictures and Videos
Check out our Summer School Website 2016 for details about lectures, field trips, documentary screenings, as well as photos with faculty and participants.
Global Bioethics Initiative
777 United Nations Plaza 5th Floor
New York, NY 10017
Phone: 212.687.3324
Fax: 212.661.4188
E-mail: alita@globalbioethics.org
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