Global Bioethics Initiative (GBI) is dedicated to fostering public awareness and understanding of bioethical issues, and to exploring solutions to bioethical challenges.
Through its events and activities, which include annual summer school programs on global bioethics, GBI seeks to keep the international community, policy decision-makers, the media, and the general public informed and aware of important bioethical issues. Such awareness is essential for making informed decisions and fostering public debate. Using various platforms, we at GBI are able to promote our motto “Doing bioethics in real life!“
GBI is an active member of the United Nations Academic Impact (UNAI), a global initiative that aligns institutions of higher education with the United Nations to further the realization of the mandate of the Organization. GBI enjoys a special consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), the UN’s central platform for debate, reflection, and innovative thinking on sustainable development.
Partial Scholarships for low-income country residents & Continuing Medical Education credits are available
*One (1) AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ is equivalent to one (1) hour of European EACCME Credit (ECMEC©)
Click on Apply Now below!
*Students may intern with GBI during the summer of 2016 as well as attend the summer programs.
Join us for this one-of-a-kind educational opportunity!
“I couldn’t have asked for a better way to spend my first summer working in New York City. I truly enjoyed participating in the Summer School, as well as working as an intern and learning the behind the scenes operations of a non-governmental organization.” – Agata Ferretti, Graduate Student, The University of Milan, Italy
“Attending the GBI Summer School was a once in a lifetime opportunity! The lectures were fascinating and I loved how much I learned about how bioethics applies to the real world. I also loved the camaraderie that was formed as the class got to know each other over the course of the five weeks.” – Eija Lindroos, Graduate Student, University of Turku, Finland
“My first impression of the International Bioethics Summer School in Manhattan can be summed up in four words, INSIGHTFUL, INFORMATIVE, EDUCATIVE AND HELPFUL. The program is well organized and the Professors are amiable, accommodating and very resourceful. They know their subjects very well too. Based on this, I will highly recommend this course for both students and professionals in the field of Bioethics anywhere in the world.” – Sampson Addo, Research Development Officer, College of Basic and Applied Sciences,University of Ghana, Ghana
Dr. Bruce Gelb (fifth left), Director of Renal Transplantation, NYU Langone Medical Center accompaning 2015 summer school participants to the United Nations.
Summer school participants visiting Genome Center accompagnied by GBI Executive Director, Ana Lita Ph.D.
Improving the Most Promising Cancer Therapy |
The immune system can be one of the most powerful weapons against cancer. After several unsuccessful attempts, scientists have discovered a promising and effective way to guide the immune system to kill cancer cells. In fact, some advanced cancers have gone into complete remission. Unfortunately this type of procedure is not a “one size fits all” treatment of cancer. Read more here.
Consequences of Illegal Organ Trafficking in India
On March 14th, Aamir Malik, a 27-year-old cattle trader from Pandoli village of Gujarat, India, reported to the police that he was allegedly cheated into selling his kidney to repay his debt. Malik had told his friends that he was looking for an interest-free loan to pay off his debt of $1500. Read more here.
Surrogacy to be banned in Sweden after being banned in India |
The government task force for controversial issues in Sweden concluded that surrogate pregnancies should be banned with no exceptions. According to lead investigator, Eva Wendel Rosenberg, this decision was made to stop women from being directly or indirectly pressured into becoming surrogate mothers.
Click here to read more.Click here to see the news video.
Speakers and GBI Intern students
On March 23, 2016 Global Bioehics Initiative organized under the auspices of the UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) 60th Session, 14-24 March 2016 Crossing Borders for Fertility Services: Attending to Women’s Rights to Reproductive Care.
New reproductive and genetic technologies are providing people with the opportunity almost allover the world to have children. Variations in legislation across countries, however, are giving place to the phenomenon of cross-border reproductive care, where people cross international borders to access a variety of reproductive services fertility treatment, egg procurement, and pre-implantation genetic diagnosis. This raises a host of ethical concerns about whether women’s rights and needs are appropriately respected.
GBI Ongoing Internship Program
Global Bioethics Initiative accepts applications for unpaid internships for students interested in bioethics. These internships provide students with the opportunity to learn about pertinent issues in global health and bioethics and gain skills in research, project management, and organizing events. Candidates interested in interning with GBI should contact the Executive Director, Dr. Ana Lita at alita@globalbioethics.org. Read more here. Students may intern with GBI during the summer of 2016 as well as attend the summer programs.
Pictures and Videos
Check out our Summer School Website for details about the application process, lectures, feild trips, documentary screenings, as well as faculty page. Watch the videoclip of the opening reception of the summer program 2015.